Purchase a Giclee print of one of my paintings

These are the most professional and exact reproductions of an original painting. The print maker, using the highest quality camera, captures a painting in all its minute exactness. Then I study this picture to be sure of its true likeness. Upon approval, the print maker is then able to make a custom giclee print in any size desired. He uses #140 lb. watercolor paper, like the original. Giclee (pronounced “zhee-clay” from the French origin) allows the creation of art that is difficult to distinguish from an original – at a fraction of the cost. The only limitation is a giclee print cannot handle prolonged direct sunlight.

Select from four available image sizes. Shipping and handling is extra, and is determined by the size of the image. There is a flat shipping rate for more than one giclee print. Once the price and shipping is calculated, you can send the payment via PayPal – or you may pay by check if you prefer.

  • 8 x 10 in = $45
  • 11 x 14 in = $65
  • 16 x 20 in = $100
  • 22 x 28 in = $190

You may use the PayPal button to submit your payment, once I have your order details and shipping address. Just enter the agreed upon amount from the secure PayPal website. Please get in touch with me using the contact form, and I will be happy to answer any questions about purchasing my artwork. If you would like to speak with me, please leave your number with a good time to call… Sally

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