Art has been one of the central threads in my destiny.

write to Sally...
Painting allows one to rewind the life thread in moving pictures. For words to convey such thoughts is a touch harder.
I was born 1946, and raised in the wet, green state of Michigan where I was able to absorb beauty in many forms. Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas opened up imaginative avenues in their classical training in the arts and that was where I started exhibiting watercolors.
In my twenties and thirties creation centered around a family and travel, including the jungles of Guatemala. I always carried a paint-box, wanting to give reverence to the nature I was around.
Destiny brought Anthroposophy (spiritual science) into my life so I was able to combine my family, my art, and my spiritual path. I studied at Rudolf Steiner College in California and became a Waldorf teacher in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Art finally had a basis and my work started to be exhibited and sold in Canada. On Vancouver Island I won a “best of show” award at a regional art exhibit.
Within anthroposophy is the wisdom of Color and I studied with a student of Liane Collet d’Herbois. Goethean theory of Color is the backbone of this work and the method is painting watercolor in transparent veils. It was such a natural for me that with a friend, we moved into the larger motif of painting on walls. This work is called Lazure, and by using transparent layers of paint (acrylic glazes) walls can appear to breathe, the movements of colors are so harmonious.
In 1998 I moved back to the states, Albuquerque, New Mexico and opened my own gallery, studio, teaching space, and lazure business, calling it all “Beautiful Spaces”.
I love painting atmosphere, Beings of deep meaning, and an occasional rabbit or cat for the young at heart. My mediums include watercolor, pastel, acrylic, and charcoal. Recently I created two children’s picture books. Am I getting younger at heart as I grow older in other ways?